Who are the leaders in Sustainable Supply Chain Management?

Find out what Green Star, Ecolabelling Schemes, multinationals and construction companies are doing with their certification, innovation credits and procurement practices.


Having a sustainable supply chain is almost a ‘must have’ these days for product manufacturers.  Large multinationals, the Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA) and Australian Ecolabelling standards are all playing a positive role in ensuring Australian product manufacturers are sourcing ethical products, product components and materials.

The companies and not-for-profits that are included in this blog are all contributing to bringing a positive change in the area of human and labour rights and also environmental management for product manufacturers.

The information supplied below is publically available, with links to the company’s website, or by information gained through my experience of working with the ecolabelling schemes and understanding Green Star requirements. 


Officeworks – Responsible Sourcing

Officeworks source products from thousands of suppliers in Australia and globally and take their responsibilities to suppliers and the communities they operate in very seriously. They are committed to educating their suppliers about responsible sourcing policies and requirements.

As a company which supplies products made from timber they have adopted a zero tolerance approach to illegal timber in their supply chain and support certification of forestry to international recognised independent third party standards.

As Officeworks is part of the Wesfarmers group, they have a rather comprehensive approach to supply chain sustainability.

Officeworks is a member of Sedex, a not-for-profit organisation responsible for driving supply chain improvements and responsible business practices. Find out more about Officeworks sustainability practices. 


Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA)

The GBCA has included Compliant Supply Chain (CSC) as 1 of the 7 Priority Areas of Concerns included in product certification requirements.  CSC requires manufacturers to seek a whole-of-enterprise social compliance of suppliers via independent assurance of compliance with International Labour Organisation (ILO), Worldwide Responsible Accreditation Production (WRAP) certification, Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) certification or other equivalent certification.

ILO Conventions refers to:

  • Freedom of association and collective bargaining (convention 87 and 98)
  • Elimination of forced and compulsory labour (conventions 29 and 105)
  • Elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation (conventions 100 and 111)
  • Convention 155 – Occupational safety and health and its accompanying recommendations NO: 164; and
  • Convention 161 – Occupational health services and it’s accompany recommendations NO: 171

To find out more download this informative PDF about product certification schemes. 

NB: Compliant Supply Chain criteria is a not mandatory requirement, so may not be included in all GBCA recognised product certification schemes.


Innovation credits are a pathway for a Green Star projects to pick up additional credits and points.

30EB Global Sustainability – LEED, PILOT CREDITS ‘Social equity within the supply chain’.

Social equity within the supply chain, is an ‘innovation credit’ option available for Green Star and LEED projects.

This credit addresses social equity for those involved in the production of materials and products used in the project, including the stages of raw materials extraction, processing, manufacturing, and assembly of final components and products.

 Green Star Innovation requirements

A Credit Interpretation Request (CIR) must be submitted by the Project team, detailing how the credit will be adapted using the Green Star Rating tool prior to submission being made. Find out more about Innovation here. 


Lend Lease

Lendlease works closely with suppliers to ensure they demonstrate compliance with social, ethical and environmental considerations.

They expect their suppliers to have human rights policies and records consistent with the requirements of Lend Lease’s Global Environment and Health and Safety Policies. They also expect their suppliers to have an Environmental Management System that ensures compliance with their global standards of operation and minimal impact on the environment.

Their overall objective is to procure products from and to do business with, suppliers that are aligned with their aspiration to be a global sustainability leader, by engaging with every part of their supply chain. Find out more about Lend Lease here. 



This Changes Everything is Mirvac’s commitment to its people, customers and suppliers and sets out clear sustainability targets and steps to achieve them. One of these targets includes Mirvac’s commitment to prequalify 50 per cent of its supply chain, by value, on social and environmental sustainability criteria by the end of 2015. 

In Mirvac’s 2015 Sustainability report

Mirvac classifies its suppliers as companies that provide goods, services and materials.  They engage with their suppliers by sustainability questionnaires and a vendor code of conduct through their online system and personalised dashboard.

Key areas include -corporate responsibility and governance, people, occupational health and safety, community, supply chain, risk and environment

More information can be found in Mirvac’s 2015 Sustainability report, page 91.

The GPT Group


Our team vision is to deliver continued value to tenants and shareholders through the achievement of the best possible commercial outcomes from all procurement activities across all business units. We will ensure that GPT's policies, including sustainability policies, remain at the heart of our procurement decisions as we continue to maintain our world leading position in sustainable real estate. 


Deliver strategic and innovative supply solutions and policy guidance that bring ongoing value, efficiency and compliance to the GPT's procurement operations.


Our vision of supporting education, communities and GPT services through procurement excellence will be supported by focusing on the following priorities.


Commonwealth Bank

Using our influence to enhance environmental, social and economic outcomes in our supply chain

As one of Australia's largest organisations we purchase a wide range of products and services in the course of our everyday business, from catering and vehicles to computers and stationery. We need to know that our suppliers and their suppliers in turn, are acting with integrity.

Sustainable supply chain management

In conducting our day-to-day business, the Group expects our people to:

  • Comply with laws and regulations
  • Act in a socially responsible and ethical way
  • Value and respect people of diverse backgrounds, experiences and perspectives
  • Carry out robust corporate governance
  • Have a proactive focus on risk awareness and management
  • Manage environmental impacts
  • Act responsibly to safeguard the Group, employees, customers, brand, reputation, assets and information.

We expect that our suppliers will adhere to these same standards. This year we refreshed our Supplier Code of Conductto clarify and reinforce the social, ethical and environmental criteria we expect our suppliers to meet, along with their own suppliers. For more information click here.


Sustainable Supply Chain Management

We take great care in selecting suppliers who share our commitment to best practice and we aim to realise the potential of our supply chain in driving positive social outcomes.

Westpac was a pioneer in sustainable sourcing. As the first Australian bank to establish a sustainable supply chain management policy, we were an early adopter of world leading sustainable sourcing practices aimed at ensuring our suppliers' business practices demonstrate high standards of sustainability.

One of the cornerstones of our approach is a commitment to work closely with our suppliers to identify, mitigate and manage risks. This approach is set out in our Sustainable Supply Chain Management Framework. Find out more here.

The above listed company initiatives are just a small snapshot of what businesses are doing to address social and environmental compliance within their supply chain.

Every business wants to be supporting other businesses that are doing the right thing, taking an ethical approach to addressing not only environmental impacts, but also looking after the human and labour rights of workers, especially vulnerable workers.

If you want to know more:

  • Call Libby on 0448 026 508 or email us
  • For more information on our Sustainable Supply Chain services
  • Otherwise please subscribe to our newsletter in the footer of our website and get access to our free Sustainability Mindfield guide